
5 Built-In Functions

Signature Description Exceptions
void Print(any msg) Displays {msg} to the console  
void PrintLine(any msg) Displays {msg} to the console with an added line ending  
void PrintLine() Displays a line ending to the console  
string! Input() Gets user input from the console  
int! RandInt(int max) Gets a random number from 0 to {max}  
any! Value(any value) Converts {value} to non-nullable any NullReferenceException
bool! Value(bool value) Converts {value} to non-nullable boolean NullReferenceException
decimal! Value(decimal value) Converts {value} to non-nullable decimal NullReferenceException
string! Value(string value) Converts {value} to non-nullable string NullReferenceException
int! Value(int value) Converts {value} to non-nullable integer NullReferenceException
bool! HasValue(any value) Returns true is {value} is not null, false otherwise  
bool! HasValue(bool value) Returns true is {value} is not null, false otherwise  
bool! HasValue(string value) Returns true is {value} is not null, false otherwise  
bool! HasValue(decimal value) Returns true is {value} is not null, false otherwise  
bool! HasValue(int value) Returns true is {value} is not null, false otherwise  
string! Hex(int! value, bool! prefix = false) Converts {value} to its base16 representation; if {prefix} is true, the representation includes the 0x prefix  
int! Ascii(string! char) Converts {char} its respective ASCII code ArgumentException
string! Char(int! ascii) Converts {ascii} to its respective character ArgumentException