
3 Data

3.1 Data Types

Apart from classes, there are five distinct data types:

Name Identifier Values
Integer int Integers from -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647
Decimal decimal Numbers approximately from ±5.0 × 10−324 to ±1.7 × 10308
Boolean bool true or false
String string Spans of characters, no length limit
Any any Any integer, decimal, boolean, or string value

3.1.1 Casts

To convert from one data type to another, a cast can be used. If a cast is implicit, it can happen automatically with no special syntax. If a cast is explicit, it must use a special syntax (e.g. (int)"123").

From To Cast Type Notes
Integer Decimal Implicit  
Integer String Explicit  
Integer Bool None  
Decimal Integer Explicit Truncates
Decimal Boolean None  
Decimal String Explicit  
Boolean Integer None  
Boolean Decimal None  
Boolean String Explicit  
String Integer Explicit Can throw
String Decimal Explicit Can throw
String Boolean Explicit Can throw

In addition, nullability affects casting:

From To Cast Type Notes
type type! Explicit Can throw
type! type Implicit  

3.2 Operators

Operators are used to interact with data. Each operator takes in one or more operands to perform on. Operators follow a strict order of precedence:

Operators Category
a[i], a?[i], f(x), (T)y, x.y, x?.y, x++, x–, x!, new, typeof Primary
+x, -x, !x, ~x, ++x, –x Unary
x ** y Power
x * y, x / y, x % y Multiplicative
x + y, x - y Additive
x « y, x » y, x »> y Shift
x < y, x > y, x <= y, x >= y, is, isnt Relational and Type-Testing
x == y, x != y Equality
x & y Bitwise Logical AND
x ^ y Bitwise Logical XOR
x | y Bitwise Logical OR
x && y Conditional AND
x || y Conditional OR
x ?? y Null-Coalescing
c ? t : f Tertiary Conditional

3.3 Variables and Constants

Variables and constants both hold data. Variables can change, while constants cannot be modified after assigned.

Declaring a variable takes the format <type> <name>; or <type> <name> = <initializer>;. The former declares a variable with no value, making it null until later defined. The latter gives the variable an initial value.

3.3.1 Implicit Typing

Instead of using type-names to declare, implicit keywords var and const can be used if the initializer is distinct.


var a = 3; // Same as 'int a = 3;'
const b = 3; // Same as 'const int b = 3;'

3.4 Attributes and Modifiers

All data is nullable by default. To disable this, an attribute can be used. An exclamation mark can be used as shorthand. The follow examples are functionally the same:

[NotNull]int a = 3;
int! a = 3;

3.5 References

All variables and constants are by-value by default, meaning they directly contain data. Alternatively, data can be stored as a reference to data somewhere else. This is achieved using the ref keyword.

int a = 3;
ref int b = ref a;

In the above example, if a is changed, b reflects those changes, and vice versa. Note that the type of the reference must match the type of what it is referencing including if it is constant or not.

Valid references:

int a = 3;
ref int b = ref a;

const string! a = "test";
ref const string! b = ref a;

bool a;
ref bool b = ref a;

A constant reference is a reference that cannot change what it is referencing:

int a = 3;
const ref int b = ref a;

Meaning a constant reference to a constant may look like:

const int a = 3;
const ref const int b = ref a;

Note that the first const keyword makes it a constant reference, and the second means it is referencing a constant.

3.6 Arrays

Data can be given dimensionality, called arrays. This is indicated with pairs of square brackets. This allows a variable or constant to hold more than one piece of same-type data.

int[] a = { 1, 2, 3 };

The data can be accessed and modified using indexing (starting at 0).

int[] a = { 1, 2, 3 };
int b = a[1]; // 2

a[2] = 6;

Note that this functionality will eventually be moved to be exclusive to low-level contexts, and be replaced with more powerful collection types.