
Diagnostic Codes

A more in-depth explanation on any diagnostic can be seen using the Buckle program, here.

Compiler Diagnostics

Code Severity Message
BU0001 Warning expression will always result to ‘{0}’
BU0002 Warning deference of a possibly null value
BU0003 Error {0}: no such file or invalid file type
BU0004 Error ‘{0}’ is not a valid ‘{1}’
BU0005 Error unexpected character ‘{0}’
BU0006 Error unexpected {0}
BU0007 Error cannot convert from type ‘{0}’ to ‘{0}’ implicitly; an explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)
BU0008 Error unary operator ‘{0}’ is not defined for type ‘{1}’
BU0009 Error all named arguments must come after any unnamed arguments
BU0010 Error named argument ‘{0}’ cannot be specified multiple times
BU0011 Error binary operator ‘{0}’ is not defined for types ‘{1}’ and ‘{2}’
BU0012 Error multiple files with global statements creates ambiguous entry point
BU0013 Error cannot reuse parameter name ‘{0}’; parameter names must be unique
BU0014 Error invalid main signature: must return void or int and take in no arguments or take in ‘int! argc, string[]! argv’
BU0015 Error method ‘{0}’ does not have a parameter named ‘{1}’
BU0016 Error declaring a main method and using global statements creates ambiguous entry point
BU0017 Error undefined symbol ‘{0}’
BU0018 Error type ‘{0}’ already declares a member named ‘{1}’ with the same parameter types
BU0019 Error not all code paths return a value
BU0021 Error cannot convert from type ‘{0}’ to ‘{1}’
BU0021 Error variable ‘{0}’ is already declared in this scope
BU0022 Error ‘{0}’ cannot be assigned to as it is a constant
BU0023 Error ambiguous which if-statement this else-clause belongs to; use curly braces
BU0024 Error expression must have a value
BU0025 Error cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type ‘{0}’
BU0026 Warning unreachable code
BU0027 Error unterminated string literal
BU0028 Error undefined method ‘{0}’
BU0029 Error method ‘{0}’ expects {1} arguments, got {2}
BU0031 Error class ‘{0}’ has already been declared in this scope
BU0031 Error attribute ‘{0}’ has already been applied
BU0032 Error called object ‘{0}’ is not a method
BU0033 Error only assignment and call expressions can be used as a statement
BU0034 Error unknown type ‘{0}’
BU0035 Error {0} statements can only be used within a loop
BU0036 Error return statements can only be used within a method
BU0037 Error cannot return a value in a method returning void
BU0038 Error cannot return without a value in a method returning non-void
BU0039 Error method ‘{0}’ cannot be used as a variable
BU0041 Error implicitly-typed variable must have initializer
BU0041 Error unterminated multi-line comment
BU0042 Error cannot initialize an implicitly-typed variable with ‘null’
BU0043 Error cannot initialize an implicitly-typed variable with an empty initializer list
BU0044 Error collection dimensions on implicitly-typed variables are inferred making them not necessary in this context
BU0045 Error cannot use implicit-typing in this context
BU0046 Error try statement must have a catch or finally
BU0047 Error expected method name
BU0048 Error a declaration of a by-reference variable must have an initializer
BU0049 Error a by-reference variable must be initialized with a reference
BU0051 Error cannot initialize a by-value variable with a reference
BU0051 Error unknown attribute ‘{0}’
BU0052 Error cannot assign ‘null’ to a non-nullable variable
BU0053 Error implicitly-typed variables infer reference types making the ‘ref’ keyword not necessary in this context
BU0054 Error cannot assign a reference to a constant to a by-reference variable expecting a reference to a variable
BU0055 Error cannot use void as a type
BU0056 Error expected {0}
BU0057 Error no overload for method ‘{0}’ matches parameter list
BU0058 Error call is ambiguous between
BU0059 Error the operand of an increment or decrement operator must be a variable, field, or indexer
BU0061 Error ternary operator ‘{0}’ is not defined for types ‘{1}’, ‘{2}’, and ‘{3}’
BU0061 Error ‘{0}’ contains no such member ‘{1}’
BU0062 Error left side of assignment operation must be a variable, field, or indexer
BU0063 Error cannot overload nested functions; nested function ‘{0}’ has already been defined
BU0064 Error cannot assign a reference to a variable to a by-reference variable expecting a reference to a constant
BU0065 Error prefix operator ‘{0}’ is not defined for type ‘{1}’
BU0066 Error postfix operator ‘{0}’ is not defined for type ‘{1}’
BU0067 Error named argument ‘{name}’ specifies a parameter for which a positional argument has already been given
BU0068 Error default values for parameters must be compile-time constants
BU0069 Error all optional parameters must be specified after any required parameters
BU0071 Error cannot mark a type as both constant and variable
BU0071 Error variable name ‘{0}’ is not valid as it is the name of a type in this namespace
BU0072 Error cannot implicitly pass null in a non-nullable context
BU0073 Error cannot convert ‘null’ to ‘{0}’ because it is a non-nullable type
BU0074 Error cannot use a constant in this context
BU0075 Error cannot use a reference type in this context
BU0076 Error cannot divide by zero
BU0077 Error a local named ‘{0}’ cannot be declared in this scope because that name is used in an enclosing scope to define a local or parameter
BU0078 Error cannot initialize an implicitly-typed variable with an initializer list only containing ‘null’
BU0079 Error unrecognized escape sequence ‘\{0}’
BU0081 Error primitive types do not contain any members
BU0081 Error type ‘{0}’ is a primitive; primitives cannot be created with constructors
BU0082 Error no overload for template ‘{0}’ matches template argument list
BU0083 Error template is ambiguous between
BU0084 Error cannot use structs outside of a low-level context
BU0085 Error cannot use ‘this’ outside of a class
BU0086 Error constructor name must match the name of the enclosing class; in this case constructors must be named ‘{0}’
BU0087 Error type ‘{0}’ does not contain a constructor that matches the parameter list
BU0088 Error modifier ‘{0}’ is not valid for this item
BU0089 Error member ‘{0}’ cannot be accessed with an instance reference; qualify it with the type name instead
BU0090 Error an object reference is required for non-static member ‘{0}’
BU0091 Error cannot initialize fields in structure definitions
BU0092 Error cannot have multiple ‘Main’ entry points

Command Line Diagnostics

Code Severity Message
CL0001 Error missing filename after ‘-o’
CL0002 Error cannot specify ‘–explain’ more than once
CL0003 Error missing diagnostic code after ‘–explain’ (usage: ‘–explain[BU|RE|CL]')
CL0004 Error missing name after ‘{0}’ (usage: ‘–modulename=')
CL0005 Error missing name after ‘{0}’ (usage: ‘–ref=')
CL0006 Error failed to open file ‘{0}’; most likely due to the file being used by another process
CL0007 Error missing severity after ‘{0}’ (usage: ‘–severity=')
CL0008 Error unrecognized severity ‘{0}’
CL0009 Error unrecognized command line option ‘{0}’; see ‘buckle –help’
CL0010 Info all arguments are ignored when invoking the Repl
CL0011 Fatal cannot specify ‘-p’, ‘-s’, ‘-c’, or ‘-t’ with .NET integration
CL0012 Fatal cannot specify output file with ‘-p’, ‘-s’, ‘-c’, or ‘-t’ with multiple files
CL0013 Fatal cannot specify output path or use ‘-p’, ‘-s’, ‘-c’, or ‘-t’ with interpreter
CL0014 Fatal cannot specify module name without .NET integration
CL0015 Fatal cannot specify references without .NET integration
CL0016 Fatal no input files
CL0017 Error {0}: no such file or directory
CL0018 Info unknown file type of input file ‘{0}’; ignoring
CL0019 Error ‘{0}’ is not a valid error code; must be in the format: [BU|CL|RE]
CL0020 Info {0}: file already compiled; ignoring
CL0021 Error ‘{0}’ is not a used error code
CL0022 Fatal cannot pass multiple files when running as a script
CL0023 Fatal cannot interpret file
CL0024 Error missing warning level after ‘{0}’ (usage: ‘–warnlevel=')
CL0025 Error invalid warning level ‘{0}’; warning level must be a number between 0 and 2
CL0026 Error missing warning code after ‘{0}’ (usage: ‘–wignore=<[BU|RE|CL],...>')
CL0027 Error missing warning code after ‘{arg}’ (usage: ‘–winclude=<[BU|RE|CL],...>')
CL0028 Error ‘{0}’ is not the code of a warning

Repl Diagnostics

Code Severity Message
RE0001 Error unknown repl command ‘{0}’
RE0002 Error invalid number of arguments
RE0003 Error undefined symbol ‘{0}’
RE0004 Error {0}: no such file
RE0005 Error invalid argument ‘{0}’; expected argument of type ‘{0}’
RE0006 Error no such method with the signature ‘{0}’ exists
RE0007 Error ‘{0}’ is ambiguous between
RE0008 Error failed to generate IL: cannot reference locals or globals from previous submissions with the ‘#showIL’ toggle on